Resources by Dr. King:
Articles, Audio, Tips and eInsights
For ongoing daily domestic abuse support, visit:
Inner Sanctuary Online
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Featured Op-ed
Affluent Domestic Violence Awareness Is Key to Preventing Family Abuse Nightmares
This series of eInsights is presented to you by Partners in Prevention, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
The eInsights provide information about:
- the dynamics of abusive relationships,
- family violence and legal domestic abuse, and
- healing from physical, emotional and verbal abuse.
If you find these eInsight articles useful, we invite you to contribute to the maintenance and growth of the Survivor Success Tips & Insights. To make a tax-deductible donation, please visit:
Featured Articles
- Narcissistic Politics in Intimate Relationships - 7 Signs of Narcissistic Abuse
- Emotional Abuse — Affective Sword in Controlling Abusive Relationships
- Emotional Abuse and Family Violence - Why Does He Pick on Our Little Boy?
- Narcissistic Abuse - The Dance of a Narcissist and Co-Dependent
- Long-Term Abusive Relationships – When Mature Women are Abused
Article Archive
- Relationship Violence - The Columbine Wake Up Call and the Look of Glee
- Adult Child's Abusive Relationship - Double Dynamics When Sons and Daughters Are in Abusive Relationships
- Narcissistic Abuse – When Your Partner Is the Only One with Wishes Worthy of Respect
- After the Abusive Relationship - Remedies for What Next: Do What You Love
- Domestic Violence - Who's Crazy? The Psychosocial Politics of Domestic Abuse
- Domestic Violence Abuse - Breaking the Silence video
- Domestic Abuse Resources - Daughter in an Abusive Relationship
- Emotional Verbal Abuse - Signs that Serve to Save Domestic Abuse Survivors - video
- Domestic Violence and Child Custody: Legal Psychiatric Ploys of Divorce Lawyers - video
- Identifying an Abusive Relationship: The Power of a Diagnosis in Understanding and Treating Domestic Abuse - video
- Family Violence Divorce: Domestic Violence and Child Custody - video
- 3 Keys to Healing Parental Alienation - video
- Emotional Verbal Abuse: How to Recognize, Cope and Heal
- Domestic Abuse Dynamics: Identifying Abuse
- Domestic Abuse Dynamics: Breaking the Cycle of Abuse
- Psychological Healing for Domestic Abuse
- Domestic Abuse Healing from Within
- Legal Domestic Abuse: Learn to Successfully Navigate the System
- Crazy Making Legal-Psychiatric Abuse: Signs and Prevention
- Abused Men: How to Break the Cycle and Heal
- Stop Domestic Abuse: Helping Others Break the Cycle
- Yes, Abusers Can Change: End Spousal Abuse and Save Your Marriage
- Controlling Intimate Relationships: Emotional - Sexual - Financial Control
- Abuse Is About Control - audio/video slide youtube
- Am I in a Dangerous Relationship? audio/video slide youtube
- Why Does Pregnancy Exacerbate Intimate Partner Violence? audio clip
- Family Violence and Legal Domestic Abuse CD
- All But My Soul: Abuse Beyond Control
- Distance learning: is world’s largest independent provider of UK university distance learning courses, online university courses, online degrees, distance learning UK MBA courses, online study and qualifications.
- Verbal Abuse Healing: This site is to give others insight and a brief understanding of the oppression of verbal abuse.
- A Family's Heartbreak: A Parent's Introduction to Parental Alienation.
- Partners: Join in this effort by placing a banner on your site.
- Healthcare Providers: Join in this effort by placing a banner on your site.
In the News
Josh Hilberling Pushed Out Window, Dies, in Alleged Spousal Abuse Case
Videotaped beating by Texas Judge William Adams puts abuse in spotlight
Dr. Jeanne King is a licensed psychologist and domestic abuse consultant. Feel free to contact us if you need help with physical and/or emotional pain, stress-related illnesses, or relationship abuse issues at home or in court. Contact Us to reach Dr. King.